Friday, October 2, 2009

Week in Pop Culture

I've said I would never do a reality show. Let me take that back. I'd like to be on "The Hills" for the paycheck. See how much these people make and try not to have a stroke.

TLC dumped the douchebag. He fought back in an apparent attempt to be father-like. TLC responded by yanking the paychecks right out of the hands of those eight little kids. WTG, douche! How you gonna pay for the nannies and stuff now? I'm not sure why this interests me. I've only seen five minutes of the show.

Speaking of douches, Spencer Pratt might be doing us all a favor by "barely having sex" with Heidi. Fingers crossed there's no Baby Pratt. That's one reality show I would NOT watch.

Another thing I would not watch: a sex tape of Sarah Silverman and Jimmy Kimmel.

A third "Meet The Parents?" Um, OK. But if Jessica Alba is in it, then that could make me break me streak of not seeing her in a movie. Dilemma.

Lauren Conrad, former "star" of "The Hills" is on my list. Not only has she written a book (and has a deal to crank out a few more - which I'm certain are written by her), it's being turned into a movie. Hollywood, you're on my list, too.

Matt LeBlanc is returning to TV. If it's half as good as the shows Courtney Cox, Lisa Kudrow and Matthew Perry have done, it'll be canceled in three weeks.

What moms don't run off to Target like this? Oh, right. MOST MOMS.

I must confess: I ♥ Kristen Wiig. She is the funniest person on SNL. So reading this about her training for "Whip It." made me smile. Can't wait to see it!

I know you REALLY want to see that Michael Jackson film. Good luck getting into a theater any time soon.

I am still shocked about this whole Letterman blackmail thing.

Finally... this might be the most precious pop culture hospital in the world.

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