Sunday, January 4, 2009

Looking Ahead To 2009

I don't like to make resolutions because they're really hard to stick to. But I have come up with a list of things I would like to make an effort to try doing this year. Please don't try to hold me accountable - that kind of pressure will just make me stop doing the things I've been doing the last few days. And here they are:
  • Read more. I'm not just talking about magazines, of which I get way too many. I'm talking about books. I've had a huge stack of books on my night stand for nearly two years. I hope to read at least one a month. That's a good pace for me. If I finish more than one a month, I'll be happy.
  • Write more. I'm not counting the writing I do at work. As much as I love to write - and I really do (even though last week I had a few nights where I just wasn't in the mood and threatened to make the anchors ad-lib the show) - I just don't consider that real writing. I want to do more creative writing. Blogging counts. So do the books that I've been slowly writing. I would love to finish them and get them published. If any of you know how I can make that happen, let me know! I was a little scared when I saw a couple of experts say I should aim for a minimum of 20,000 words. That's a lot, y'all!
  • Get out of debt. This time I mean it. It will be hard to focus my spending on my needs instead of my wants. I know that if I take a little more time, I can avoid impulse spending. For example, simply avoiding the Coach store will make it easy for me not to buy another purse. See? That alone will save me a few hundred dollars. Seriously, I want to pay off my credit cards and only use them when absolutely necessary. I have paid off the cards before and loved how it felt. Now, it's time to tackle that again.
  • Be healthier. I'm not saying I want to be like my Fun Mom and run marathons (I don't want to run to work - which is basically what a marathon is). I'm trying to stock my fridge and pantry with healthy things (no Oreos). And I'm going to try to avoid fast food - or at least the fried kind. I'm not quitting it. I'm just going to pretend that it's not there. Because I'm not swearing off anything, I can still have it if I want it so don't go trying to smack things out of my hands. You will get punched in the gut FOR SURE! I just know it would be better for my PCOS if I was healthier. And anything that can keep me out of the O.R. is not necessarily a bad thing.
  • Be a better friend. I think I do a pretty good job of staying in touch with my friends. While phone calls are nice, I know that I need to make some trips to see my girls who live longer than a road trip away from me! Now, buying airfare may be tricky since I'm going to try not using the credit cards, but I need to find a way - even if it's by saving my change.
Those are just some of the things I plan to do this year. You'll have to check back over the year to see what I have accomplished!


jenimartinez said...

I, too, want to start reading more. I was thinking one book a month would be a good goal. And writing, same here. Being a reading AND a writing teacher you would think those two things would be easy for me, but you know, when it's your job, it's hard to make it a hobby too. Let's work on these two together and see how we do? Good luck, Nicole! I'm rooting for you!

Nicole said...


It is true that when you do something for a living, it's hard to do it on your own time. But I love writing too much not to do it for me - even if I am the only one who ever reads what I write.

I like the idea of cheering each other on! Let's check in with each other in a few months and see how far we've progressed!

killian said...

SO... when are you coming to Nashville to see the gimp? :)

Nicole said...

Soon - I hope!